The Story of Time

Prima learns about the birds as fallen angels who exchanged their wings for possession of the earth, and the youthful kitten thinks, silly birds, if I had my wings, I would never give them up just to have claims to this earth.  All for nothing.  I'd rather fly and soar in the heavens.  She appreciates the birds for the legacy that they gave to her as her ancestors in their journey through time.  She thinks, my, how wonderful it is to be a cat.  My family is the one who made it all the way to the top of the mountain.  We've evolved to be the greatest.  I am proud of my heritage.

Great Grandmother tells her also, about the mortal enemies of the cats, the bears, who became beasts, and pledged to wage war against the supreme cats.  The bears burned with desire to be the kings of the earth, and went throughout the lands destroying everything that would stand in its way.  The bears became known for their fierce anger and weapons of destruction.  The would not rest until all of the land was theirs.

The young girl realises that it was the same all over again, the cycle just as it was when the wars began, when the birds wanted to claim the land and would do anything and everything that they could to have and gain the pledge to the earth.  She feels sad about the wars of the world and wishes that we could find peace.

Grandmother goes on to explain that war is a never ending expression of the way the universe is, even in the way each individual is, as a child of duality, light and darkness, art and science, physical and spiritual, and in the explanation, the girl learns one more secret yet, "  You, too, are an expression of this duality.  You are the peace that has come out of a great war.  Love child, you are not just of the cat, you are of the beast."

She was in utter shock.  What a disaster and shame, she thought, to learn that I am a descendant of the mean and angry bear.  She wanted to cry and hid her face in disgrace.  Then grandmother said, no, be proud of who you are.  It is a legacy without which nothing could be the same.  You have strength of ultimate duality and perfect balance, and your heritage is the harnessed harmony of the most pure love known to the entire universe, and it has allowed great things to happen.

Grandmother went on to explain that the cats and bears are both descendants of the birds, just evolving very differently, and that they became polar opposites as they chose to live by two separate paths.  When they finally came together, and shared a love that defied the war between the families, it was the merging of the two worlds that would declare the root of all possibilities for peace within the universe.  It was the dawn of the key to humanity.

The girl becomes fascinated when she learned about the monkey people.  Generated by a forbidden love, the offspring known as the key to mankind would become the envy of the entire kingdom.  Monkeys had an intelligence that was beyond that of any other species.  They would begin a new phase of evolution toward higher consciousness; a thinking breed would rise above instinct or intuition and learn to manipulate the environment of the universe.

They held the key in the palm of their hands, because, literally, they could firmly grasp things in their hands, and their minds.  Eventually, and with time, they learned to rise up and walk, they learned to stand at attention; they learned to exist as man.

Grandmother explained the importance of the bees, because just as bees built the organisations of a world of production that would sustain their own life while continuing to progress in culture, the thinking breed very much seemed to resolve to build their own kingdoms and social infrastructures that would create a functioning order of the societies that we now know. 

It happened again.  The men started to think in opposing ways and formed new ideals and discovered things that they wanted for themselves.  They wanted to claim the power and the glory and waged war against one another.  When they couldn't see eye-to-eye they fought over unresolved differences and consumed their hearts with hate for their brothers.

The girl looked to grandmother with sad eyes and knew the familiarity of the phrase based on what happened with the birds, when they fought for land and fell from the heavens.

So they separated.  The brothers formed leagues of their own and took what they claimed and went separate ways.  They set out to conquer the earth, to live by their own order.  As the families divided and grew further and further apart, their ideals and cultural inferences became more and more distinctive.  They, within their own clans, began to evolve differently, and developed rites and rituals, features and characteristics, ideal and habits and laws that would surely set one family apart from the other.

The wars continued.  Each family believed that his own way was the best, that he was supreme, that he was right and better that what his brother and their children had grown to know.  For this belief, they will wage war against all others who declared anything in opposition.

"What happened to the peace, balance, and duality that you said was so perfect about me?" Prima cried out in question.

The only truth is that we are all one and the same and varied expressions of the same truth.  We cannot find peace by putting one above the other, but by putting all beside each other and with each other.  This is balance and equality.  The world has been divided in war and argument, but this is good.  Look at how colorful and interesting it has all become.  The world is full of character and inspired beauty and all of the lands and peoples and cultures are a great contribution to the diverse expressions of duality.  The brothers separated because they wanted to explore, and each was eager to see what would come of his own heritage.

The girl smiled and looked at her sisters all seated together with her in the circle gathering around their great grandmother, and listening to the lessons with her, all adorned in painted colors of the rainbow, reflecting the history and heritage of their fathers who, really, were all distant brothers.  And, she realised what grandmother had been saying all along, that we were the peace.

The promise of the rainbow, the butterflies.  It doesn't matter where we have come from, but where we are now, and where we are going.  And we are together, united, as a sisterhood of the rainbow.  We are the descendants of the birds and the bees.  We are the butterflies.  We are the beautiful daughters of the sun and moon together.  We are the stars.  Greater than the fallen birds, we are the evolution.