Monday, August 13, 2012


The beginning of time, the universe was created.  of energy, duality, balance, love, in a world of light and darkness, as the light possessed the darkness and became it expressing itself as captains of the vessel.

The creation of earth and all life form; the course of evolution, earth water fire metal wood wind all evolved unto the hierarchy of life, the vertebrates showed the expression of light within the darkness as beast: fish amphibians reptiles birds mammals.

The birds were the pride of all the earth.  they has wings to fly as the light; fallen stars.  remember from the time before the earth.  they were free to soar and roam and rule.

the birds were hungry for more.  they flew to the soil and forsake the tall treed they called home of their domination.  they changed their ways to suit the soil and began once more to evolve.  their hunger led them to relinquish their light to the darkness as fouls.

the birds evolved to the mammals, once more as fallen angels, they became bats then lost their wings as rats.  the rat race of the animals had them scurry to devour the land.  the rats continued to evolve.

the prime species; bears and cats, had become mortal enemies of territorial resolution because they were both supreme of their evolution and both considered their form to be better and fought for claims of land and spaces.

the bears and cats were forbidden of friendship. but they became lovers, because the energy of connective duality and parallel relativity was too intense to ignore.  they bore a child together.  it was the monkey.

the monkey was an outcast of both kingdoms and had to learn their own way, unrelated to cat or bear.  the monkey was the key to man, as it turned out, the supreme evolution thus far, greater than either of its predecessors.

man evolved out of this dual union, and developed social unions that were highly particular, based on idealism and self discovery. t hey became inventors and creators.  the thinking breed to which nothing would be impossible.

the human family created sects based on how they understood the world best.  sometimes, two brothers would disagree on how they saw the world and they would argue until it was resolved that they should no longer be brothers.  they then would separate and go their own way to create their own families of sects and ways of seeing.  the division.

because of the division, man went out and distributed his breed further and further throughout the earth.  they developed different regions, cultures, habits, social ways, and were inspired by their environments to evolve in the way they looked, spoke, dressed, socialized, performed rituals, communed, lived, ate, and every aspect of life as it evolved within each divided community.   the divisions multiplied and then divided again, to fulfill the earths promise to be fruitful and multiply.


This is the story of the Birds Bees and Butterflies.  because of this, the widespread domination of man, the rainbow has become distinctive within each realm.  although these things have evolved in the order out of what has been chaos and war, because of this journey thought time, this new story can exist.

daughters of the rainbow are sisters of the stars.  the ajas of the prima light alive all sit together gathered around listening to the great grand mother's story of the birds bees and butterflies.  they talk about the story and discuss what they think about ti and how appreciative they are of the bird for falling, and the bears and the cats for falling, and the monkeys to man for falling, so that they can be together.

grandmother, as it turns out, is the head of the Arc Ohm school of flight.... Wingaite.  the girls came to that school when they are 12 years old.  six girls represent a very different aspect of the one rainbow. each subject has a different color that represent her place in the world and where she came from.

grandmother teaches the final lesson at the Arc Ohm.  4 years after the journey began, the girls have finally come of age and will celebrate the banquet of time, where they will officially be crowned as Primas, before being instructed to go out into the world.

the girls discuss their experiences at the arc ohm and how valuable those experiences have been... they remember their very first day four years ago, when they came face to face with each other.  they remember the many challenges that they faced and overcame together through the strength that they discovered being able to work as a team.

of course it was not the first time they had heard the stories of the birds bees and butterflies, but it would be the last time that they would ever hear it from their beautiful mother at the arc ohm school where they all discovered how to master the light in the ability to fly.

they recalled the 5 principles that they all learned throughout the years
world of windows
parable of stars
the golden globe
avenue sovereign
arc of the covenant

all in lieu of the primalightalive and the birds bees and butterflies

these were the keys to life and living in the whole world and abundantly.

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