The Butterfly

There was once a butterfly, beautiful and brilliant. This creature was perfect in any way, balanced in every way. The butterfly, though, only had one wing, and they would not separate that she might fly. So, she rested on the flower that was closest to the tree in which her cocoon had nurtured her. Every so often, this butterfly, who could not fly, would cry, because she did not want to live in the same flower for all the days of her life. She was a prisoner, because, without wings, she could go nowhere, she could see nothing, she could do nothing, she could be no one.  

The butterfly, as much as she loved life, hated living this way. “I want to fly,” she prayed, “... I want two separate wings that I might fly away from here, that I could see all of the other beautiful flowers of the world and taste their sweet nectars.” Soon enough, the beauty decided that something must be done.

One day, she met a bird. “Bird”, she asked, “How is it that your wings are separate?”  “Well, when I get sticky, I wash them in water.” He answered. So, the little miss waited for the rain to come. She drenched in water, dried in the wind, and waited for her wings to separate. Nothing happened.

But, the determined Butter would stop at nothing to get her wings to open up. “I will fly.” She declared. Then, a bee came along. “Bee”, she asked, “What do you do to keep your wings so free?”

“Well”, he responded, “I keep them moving all the time.” So, the young single wing worked hard day and night at moving her wings. Soon, she realized tough, that they were stuck together, and, so, even as she moved them, they moved together, as one.

“Why do I have to be different this way?” She cried “All of the other winged creatures can fly; why not me?” She sobbed now, for days and days, because, now she was beginning to lose hope that she will ever get to fly freely as she so desired.

Even still, she would not get over her dream. She promised herself. “One day, I shall fly.” And, each day, as it rained, the beauty drenched her self in the rain, then dried in the wind. And each day, as it shined, the beauty worked hard to train her wings to move separately. Yet still, the stubborn wings would not open for her. But, each day, the lovely lover of nature reminded herself, “Someday, I shall fly... I was born to fly!”

So, she waited, and bathed, and worked, and waited... she knew that the day would come; someday... one day. And then, it finally did.

It was the most beautiful morning. The sun had begun to rise on the horizon, the air was warm and fresh. The birds chirped, and the crickets could be heard softly whispering. The morning was perfect. This was the dawn of a day like none before; it was the first day of spring. The beautiful, young butterfly opened her eyes, that she might see the sun. but she could only see darkness. “I must be inside of a flower”, she thought. And so, she slowly crept out to see the new day. “Wow! How celestial!” she exclaimed. ‘What a beautiful day.”

Excitedly, she jumped up out of her tree. “Humph? What was I doing in this tree? I thought I had left home a long time ago to live in my flower. Well, whatever.” She thought. Now, she went on her way, slowly creeping, gently crawling about the tree. But, she felt different about today, she felt different today. And, she thought “... but I just cannot put my finger on it yet.”

Like every bright and sunny day, she stretched, she worked her wings, she jumped up and down, she was getting ready. “Maybe today will be the day I will fly.”

Moments later, a bee came buzzing pass. “Hello beauty”. He greeted. “I’m on my way to get some sweet treats from the most delicious flower bed in town. Want to come?”

“I can’t.” She said sadly. “I have to stay here because my wings won’t fly until they separate.”

“Oh, Okay... Well Good luck on that.” And the bee went away, but very confused. 

Soon after, a bird flew by. “Good morning, lovely lady. I see you’ve finally awoken from your sweet dreams, and I must say, you are a stunning fly.”

“Thank you for your kind words, sir, but I would have to have WINGS to be considered a fly.” The Butter responded.

This also confused the bird. But, he didn’t go away so easily; he wanted to understand what she was talking about. “Don’t you have wings?”

“No, they’re stuck together.”

“Have you ever tried to open them?”

“Yes, every day.”

“But, how is that, since you’ve been sleeping all winter?” The bird went on to explain, “Today is the day you arose from your cocoon. You must have been dreaming about not having wings, or remembering your life as a caterpillar.”

‘What?!... Are you sure?”

“Hehe”, chuckled the bird. “If you don’t believe me, why don’t you try spreading your wings for a change?"

And she did. “HA!! Look at this, I have wings.” And she did. The most beautiful wings that sparkled in the golden sun with all the colors of the rainbow.

“Why don’t you take them for a spin? Celebrate the day you were born.” Demanded the gracious bird

“I am finally free. Got my wings today, Now, I’ll fly!”