
Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there lived a little girl. Her name was Ella. Ella was the daughter of a great king, the emperor Dominate that ruled over the land of Fredome. One day, as Ella was out in her fathers rose garden, playing amongst the beautiful bees, and butterflies, and ladybugs, she tripped, and she fell, and she hit her little head on a great big rock. Ella fell into a deep sleep, and no one was able to wake her. Days, weeks, months, even years, went by, and still, Ella was unable to awake from her state of unconsciousness.

And, everyday, Emperor Dominate would come to greet his beautiful daughter at her bedside. And, everyday, he wept, as he looked upon her peaceful, smiling face that seemed to glow even more so than the days her eyes were opened. And, everyday, the Emperor would sing sweet melodies and read joyful stories to the fair princess as he remembered the happiness that her radiance brought into his life. And, everyday, the young girl would lay still and sleep in a realm of sweet dreams, forever.

The emperor, one day, became infuriated by the misery that his daily anxiety in worries of his daughter brought onto him. He exclaimed, “I don’t believe that she wants to wake up. There is something about the place of dreams that she loves, much more than she loves me.” And the king wept. No one could comfort him, for, it was Ella who brought the most comfort and peace to the great Dominate.

Eventually, the king could no longer bear to visit her everyday. Soon, every other day turned to every other week, then, every other month, which soon became once every few months. It was not so long before he would only go to see young Ella once every year. And on that day of visitation, as he stood before her, her would sing sweet songs, and recite sweet poems, and tell stories of joy. And it would bring him great happiness to share his life with her, but, it broke his heart to know that she couldn’t, and, wouldn’t, share her life with him any longer.

One day, the great king finally gave up. He declared, “This life brings me no joy; I no longer have the desire to live.” And so, he fell into a deep dark state of depression, and drifted off into a place of total restfulness. Each day after, the maidens came to him that they should try to wake him from his sleep, but, each day, their efforts proved to be in vain. He would not budge, or even wink, or blink. All he did now was sleep, and nothing could wake him. But, as they looked upon his face, as he slept, they saw that for the first time in years, the king was at peace. He smiled, and glowed from within. He was happy again.

Finally, one day, young Ella awoke from her sleep. Before she could even fully open her eyes, she called out, “Father?” The servants heard her cries and excitedly ran to her with food and drink, but she wanted none of that. Again, she called for him, “Father!" Nervously, the maidens began to explain what had happened to the emperor, that he too had fallen into a tranced state of sleep from which he refused to awake.  Ella smiled contently and said, “I know, I waited for him, and he came to me.” She went on to explain, “I had something to show him, and I didn’t want to leave else I might have lost it. So, I had to wait for him to find me there, and he finally did.”

“Now, take me to my father.” The young princess demanded. As she arrived at her father’s bedside, she met him there, smiling, but, with eyes wide opened, staring into the abyss of nothingness. “Father!” She exclaimed, as she ran to him.  “Ella!” He retorted, with arms outstretched to embrace her. Holding her in his arms, he said softly, “Thank you. You have given me a gift greater than I thought possible. You showed me how to live. You taught me how to be free. Thank you. Nothing shall ever be the same, for any of us. Nothing.”

And there was Freedom.