The Birds

In the very beginning, we were All, we were Nu. Albians and Nubians. We were high, we were deep, we were free. We lived as gods, as sons of God, as angels. Pure of heart, innocent as children, bright as fire, dark as seas. All were one, but, there were two. Ones with wings could soar like eagles. Ones with fins could swim like dolphins. And, everything was good. Everything was God. There was no law, no concept of good and evil. It was surpassed by the concept of love, and, of life. Beyond living and loving, there was no thing. There was no duality, no struggle, no war. In the beginning, there was only peace.

We all did indeed live as gods, because, we were gods. Just as we now have within us the potential to live as gods, just as we did in the beginning. Although there was only one, and all were as one, there were two races; two opposing entities of God. There were those who knew that they were God, and, those who did not know. Those who knew were the Angels of the Light. They proudly glistened like the sun, so radiantly that their abundant wings would shine. Those who knew not were the Angels of the Dark. They, humbly unaware of their own deep, stunning grace and beauty would idealize the intriguing Gods of Light. These two separate entities of God lived on different plateaus of the same plane, and, dwelled in different realms of the same reality called earth.  

To the light guardians, everything mattered. They knew all too well the secrets of the earth. They could never forget all of the knowledge bestowed upon them by the virtue of their own creation. Their own lives, these gods, were valued by that of the origins of goodness. They seeked to claim all that was good as their own, worked tirelessly to accumulate everything that the heart desired, and gained greatness of the earth. Theirs were the precious stones, the fine linens, the elaborate estate. Theirs was everything. The gods of the light were kings, emperors of the earth. Thus, was the reality of the men with eagle’s wings. They were light as a feather, flaming with eternal fire, burning with desire for all things seen.

To the dark guardians, nothing mattered. They knew all too well the secrets of heaven. Never could they neglect the freedom from this earth, for, they were slaves to the heavens. They were gods of the realm of truth, and, were unaware that there was any reason to want for anything that they could not find within themselves.  This race of angels glowed also, but, the radiance of their glow could only be seen by them, for it was within them. They were, forever, like children. Innocent, free from burdensome worries, or attachments to the physical world. They didn’t know, nor, did they care to know that they too could have the lives of the glistening, golden riches that their unfamiliar counterparts dwelled with-of. Thus, were the emperors of heaven.

In the reality of those with light, little by little, the law began to gain prominence. They had so many attachments to the physical world that they resolved that there was a need to set in place statutes that would vow to protect life as they knew it. And, as the law unfolded to gradually replace the concept of love, freedom, and, truth, the concept of good and bad soon replaced the concept of life.

Herein, and, henceforth, there was a war in this earthy realm of heaven. For, some, or, most, of the gods of light, wanted no part in this new way of life. They anticipated what would happen next, and obliged that they should fight against their own sons in the name of protecting the truth.  And, so, it happened. The angels formed legions that would fight against one another; the good against the bad, or rather, the love against the law. 

The war began as a mere struggle, a battle of words, rebuttals, retributions. Yet, to no avail, the rebels continued on to build communities of law, that they should protect their earthly valuables. The nobles, on the other hand, protectors of heaven on earth, knew then that there was only one thing left to do. They planned the strategy of attack on the rebels of the way of Eden. They knew that it would have eventually come to this, one day or the other. So, the sooner was the better. 

One day, while the rebels were sleeping, drunken on wine, and, stuffed after a gluttonous feast that defiled the sacred temple, the body, the noble army made first strike. Determined to weaken the rebels, they drew their swords and cut off their wings. Thus, the enemy could not easily escape. Caught off guard, the rebel army fell to their knees to beg for mercy, for, they were outnumbered and unarmed. There was no way to win this battle against the strong, untainted nobles.

When the nobles, who knew nothing but the way of love, saw how desperate their fallen brothers desired to live on, they adhered to the plea for mercy. Yet, they all agreed, “These Gods are sowing seeds of evil and cannot remain in this kingdom.” It was then declared, “You may live, but, you must leave. Now.”  Thus, for the first time in history, the sons of the light separated. They were no longer one, and, they no longer lived as one. They became outcasts from the peaceful realm of heaven, which they once knew as their own.

And so, the evil ones left behind the beautiful Eden, which they had known and loved for all of their days. Now, they were left to fend for themselves as patrons of the earth. Now, they were alone, and their only possession was desolation, and the isolation became their only truth.  Their hearts grew filled with malice for the noble, for, they thought, “How dare they defy me when I am God. How dare they think to tell me how I shall live, when, I am made of fire.”

These proud creatures, still beautifully radiant like the sun, and the moon, and the stars, left with no wings to fly, only legs to walk, and arms to hold, grew in rage toward their now sworn enemies. They, amongst themselves now contemplated, “They who call themselves ‘noble’ and ‘good’ and ‘righteous’ shall pay for what they’ve done to me. They who tell me that the body in which I defile with my laws should be considered sacred. They who condemn me to a life as one of the ‘dark’ ones, who are poor and disgraceful un my eyes. They who claim that because I live for everything, with so-called ‘greedy eyes’ and ‘gluttonous lips’ and ‘lustful hands’, and that I should pay for my sin by being left with nothing, that I may remember who I am. I know who I am. I am God, made of fire, beauty, and brilliance. I will show them my power; I shall win this war.”

They declared this as a testimony to all that was to happen next. For, the war, the struggle for their rights to the law had only just begun. Meanwhile, the family of nobles, gods of light, victors of love, celebrated the reclaim of the right odes to heaven. There, they now lived in peace, free from the implications of law, or the requisites that adhered to desires of the flesh. Now, in their eyes, once more, there was only goodness, and they lived amongst their allies of the Darkness, and harmonic balance was restored, for now. 

Time passed, and none that now reigned in this great city had seen or heard anything of the rebels. “They must have given up”, they finally thought one day. Just then, off in the distance, a stranger. This man that the watchmen saw approaching the kingdom looked nothing like anything they had ever seen before. He was covered in dirt, eyes red and swollen, lips cracked, skin – dry and torn. In his nakedness, you could see that his flesh was corrupting, rotting from the inside. Featherless wings he had, made of thick skins, like those of the bat. His fingernails were long and hardened, like claws of a beast, and, his hands were even more so hardened, like the paws of crawling creatures.

He slowly approached the watchtower, the fortress built after the war began in order to protect the bounds of the kingdom from possible invasion. As he took his final steps unto them, he cried out. “Hear ye, it is I, the forsaken one. My brothers and I have a message for you. Please consider our retribution. Look upon me and my scolded flesh... we all stand this way now, for, the world that you sent us into is harsh, and there is only pain to be wrought. I am here to beg of you. Please, open your gate unto us that we should live.  Please, let us share in your paradise as allies, as brothers once more. For we have surely learned all the lessons that this harsh world can afford us in a reality such as the one bestowed upon us. Please give us hope for better days.”

At this request, the great leader of the nobles was made to know that the rebels had, after much time was passed, returned. In the great city, now, there was only love, and, they had let go of the memory of the law that had tried to be given unto them. The nobleman’s hearts softened unto their lost brothers, as they had forgiven them of their mishaps a very long time ago.  “Of course you may enter”, the king retorted, “but only, come in peace.” And just before the gates were opened, they were forewarned... “If you return to your evil ways, if you rebel against the love, we shall have you arrested and thrown out of the kingdom, forever.”

“Yes Sire”, they joyfully exclaimed, “Thank you. We promise never to return to our ways of old. Never again shall we seek death; only life.”   The king then summoned a legion of young maidens, “Minister to them. Clean their wounds. Feed them.” He went on to demand, “Report to their needs at once. Anoint them with oils, and adorn them with ornaments, for, these are my brothers.”  There was much joy in the kingdom amongst the gods. They chanted words of delight, danced with the accompaniment of harps, and flutes, and drums, and celebrated over a great feast of the best and most whole foods available to man. 

Now, peace was truly restored in the kingdom of God. At the ceremony, the one who had led the rebels to their fall proclaimed, “Praise be to the Holy One, Glory be to God. Forever shall we honor the code of the life of the light of the love”. These words filled the heart of the king with much delight. He said unto them, “Blessed are you for reclaiming your truth. It is all restored now. The kingdom shall we share as equals once more. Nothing shall be denied you.” And nothing was denied to them. The glory of heaven once more shone down on them. Many moons passed, and just as they had fallen, the once-rebels rose to once more stand in beauty and radiance. Their skins were healed and grew to glisten like the sun, and the wings that once had been slashed off, but had grown back without feathers, had an abundance of feathers once more.

Thus, the balance and harmony truly was restored, and all things that they had desired were given unto them. All things of God were bestowed unto them. Life was theirs to behold once more. Everything seemed to have returned to normal, except that the rebels had not forgotten the pledge that they made unto themselves. Vengeance was theirs.  And, in those days, just as the world was filled with peace, so did the two races live in harmony, creating a great balance that would suffice all the needs of their dwelling. 

Just as the angels of light, strong and sturdy, the providers of material good, needed for life’s sustenance, to all the people of the land, were dominate by the male gender, and governed by Emperor God, Lanu. The angels of darkness, limber and lenient, the providers of beauty and inspiration, were dominated by the female gender, governed by a mystical Empress Goddess, Nula. These two origins of mankind reigned hand in hand, and, together, they would help to maintain the bountiful goodness of their holy lands. They shared love, trust, and, an embellishment of fortitude. They gave, and, they received, and, there was nothing that one would deny the other.